Growth Tips for Small Textile Manufacturing Businesses


In recent years, the process of becoming a small-scale cotton supplier has become simpler,
all thanks to the digitalization and modernization of the textile industry. Fabric-selling
websites that have manufacturing units employing 20 or fewer workers have witnessed
significant growth in the past five years. With technological support like TEXchange Global,
small businesses can overcome the challenges of finding synthetic and cotton buyers.
Small manufacturing businesses are an essential part of the textile economy. They alone
generate 65% – 70% of new jobs. So, if you are a small textile manufacturing business and
need a few growth tips for 2024, read this blog.

Tips for Small-Scale Synthetic and Cotton Suppliers

Inventory Management

  • The supply chain for manufacturing businesses is becoming more complicated
    because of multiple suppliers and export needs. Therefore, you must invest time to
    streamline the process.
  • Plan for emergencies in case of supply chain breakdowns.
  • Consider having alternative suppliers. Try storing stock off-site. Or have a reasonable
    amount of safety stock.
  • Give importance to your manufacturing order queue. This makes sure your staff is
    working on orders in an organized way. For instance, when an order comes in, assign
    it to the first order queue.
  • Don’t keep inventory stored for too long, as this can add to your carrying cost,
    providing zero value to your business.
  • Don’t carry dead or obsolete stock for long. If you have too much dead stock, you
    aren’t strategizing orders well enough.
  • Judge and learn suppliers’ value. Sometimes, the one that seems expensive can add
    more value. Negotiate prices.

Marketing and Customer Service

  • Create a website. Online presence is significant in today’s digital marketing and
    trading scenario.
  • Learn about SEO strategies and try implementing them in your online marketing. This
    could include blogs and landing pages.
  • Write blogs that your customers would relate to. Be an expert in your field and solve
    customers’ problems with expert advice.
  • Create videos to promote your manufacturing business. The videos must explain your
    production process and products with proper voice-over.
  • Post photographs of your business, behind-the-scene, manufacturing process,
    products, and other things that will attract your buyers. You don’t need to hire a
    photographer to do the job. Click on your smartphone and use free tools to enhance
    the pictures.
  • Use social media to interact and engage with your customers.
  • Personally market your products and services – attend trade fairs, host workshops or
    exhibitions, and join cotton buyers’ groups.
  • If you want customers to buy cotton yarn online, upgrade your e-commerce strategy.
    Diversify your portfolio, offer the same product in different versions with different
    pricing to increase customers, and invest in securing your e-commerce site. Get
    professional help in doing so.

Keep Employees Happy

  • Keep communication open, honest, transparent, and two-way. Make your staff feel
    comfortable in discussing issues, voicing their opinions, and providing solutions
    without being judged. When they think they’re respected, you will have a clearer
    picture of the problems in the production unit.
  • Offer a more flexible workspace by providing opportunities for learning different
    skills. Fill skill gaps with continuous training. This way, you can improve employee
  • Provide internships to nurture and engage new talent.

Production Efficiency

  • Identify the best ways to update your Bills of Materials so they are easier to maintain.
  • Use lean methodology. It has the potential to increase manufacturing business
    productivity. It requires you to optimize the fundamentals to boost revenue.
  • It includes organizing items by frequency of use, finding hierarchies and systems for
    storage, creating a clean workplace, making scheduling and operations clear and
    automated, set our clear company policies and guidelines.

Implement Continuous Testing and Control

  • Textile Testing and Quality Control (TTQC) is vital for fabric-selling websites
    focusing on exports.
  • International cotton buyers prioritize quality over quantity.
  • Quality control must be maintained at every stage of the textile production process.
  • Quality of raw materials directly impacts the quality of the final product.
  • Quality control measures should be implemented from fiber to yarn, yarn to fabric,
    and garment production.
  • Pre-sales and post-sales services, delivery, pricing, packaging, and order fulfillment
    should also undergo quality control.

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